BlobMaker - 64 bits

Konkeptoine BlobMaker Logo

BlobMaker™ is an ultra-fast "blob generator". It features a specially optimized engine that calculates blobs much more faster than the method provided within EIAS. As an alternative to the traditional Mr.Blobby plugin, BlobMaker offers a much faster engine and a new set of "blob tools" designed for EIAS usage, such as the Reactive Color controls, the built-in Noise parameters or the extra texture features.

This "Endless Classic" plugin has been brought to life, recoded, optimized, and empowered with new features to make the "Blobs experience" within EIAS a new pleasure. No more blob time generation fears anymore!.

Plugin Compatibility Price Links
Konkeptoine BlobMaker 3.0 WindowsUniversal $150.00 Support Files
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Konkeptoine BlobMaker Interface


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